Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Inaugural Post

When I suggested to Eric that we start a blog, I was met with the ever present question 'Why?' His ability to apply this question to every and all conversations never ceases to amaze me. And since 'Because' would not be enough to satisfy his curiosity, I had to think about. Why write a blog?

In this modern, electronic era, I think of this blog as a means of journalizing our lives together and documenting all of our milestones. I've always loved looking back at old photographs and reading old journals of mine. It's always entertaining and surprising how much I've changed over the years. I know as we start this next chapter of our lives, Eric and I will face countless adventures. This blog will give us a place to capture each of them, and best of all, share them with you, our friends and family.

So, I open this blog with a thank you for stopping by and taking a peek. I can't wait to see what unfolds.